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The Importance of Adding FDA-Compliant PVC Panels to Your Grow Room Walls

04 September, 2023

If you have decided to grow cannabis indoors, you are about to foray into a profitable business. Growing cannabis at home promises a constant supply of great-quality weed and results in a better appreciation of the crop. It further ensures complete job satisfaction. Did you know that spending time in the garden has been linked to enhancing your overall sense of well-being and aiding you to battle depression and anxiety better? Growing cannabis indoors means you must dedicate a specific place to grow the herb. One would require a space of 1m2 to grow sufficient weed that lasts from harvest to harvest. Besides choosing the right space size, keeping the space well-protected is also necessary. Adding FDA-compliant wall panels is the easiest way to keep your grow room safe, healthy, and clean. Their water-resistant ability helps them withstand moisture attacks and high humidity.

Choosing the Right Grow Room Panels

Cannabis enthusiasts don’t find it difficult to get a dedicated space for their harvest. From walk-in robes, cupboards, basements, attics, and spare rooms, all can be used to create a grow room space. And just like choosing the right space, one always needs to be careful about picking the right wall panels. Drywall was once considered to be a default option in terms of wall paneling because of its sturdiness. However, it has been seen that drywall isn’t a good performer when it comes to moisture surges. They begin to lose their structural integrity. When left alone for a prolonged duration, drywall even develops mold spores. Despite appearing as a minor problem, it demands your attention. The water-resistant PVC grow room wall panels are better because they don’t allow moisture to seep through or favor mold or bacterial formation. Their porous free surface prevents water droplets or moisture from settling on them, thereby keeping the grow room interior damp and mold-free for years.

US-Made Panels Provide the Right Kind of Lighting

Just like every other plant, cannabis, too, needs sufficient lighting to grow to its fullest potential. Both fluorescent and LED bulbs generate full-spectrum light that your cannabis plants might need. But apart from costing huge, they use significant electricity as well. More so, installing these lights also increases the likelihood of safety hazards. You will be surprised to know that you can cater to the lighting requirements of your grow room interior by adding light-reflective wall panels. These super-efficient panels are made to distribute light evenly across the building where they are installed while also reducing your utility bills. 

Commercial Wall Panels Aids in Maintaining Spotlessly Clean Walls

Since the panels are easy to maintain, you need not spend hours scrubbing them or removing mold, debris, or dirt. Once installed, they don’t need you to replace them frequently, saving you money. Because of being 100% water-resistant, one can wash the grow room interiors regularly using hose pipes or a damp cloth. Despite repetitive washing, the panels don’t develop cracks, dents, or splits. Furthermore, there’s no chance of witnessing any yellowing of panels either, even if there is a surge in moisture, humidity, or condensation. So you achieve trouble-free walls for a lifetime.

Odor-Resistant Panels Ensure Your Grow Rooms Smell Fresh

Growing cannabis often produces strong odors, sometimes fruity, floral, skunky, and intense. The odors are the strongest when the budding process begins. However, humidity is usually the major culprit behind the complex odor inside a grow room. While there are various ways to remove the odor, installing USA-made PVC panels seems ideal. They are the perfect way of controlling odor and keeping your grow room fresh and professional. 

Experience Relief from the Hassle of Installing the Panels for Hours

Every grow room panel boasts an interlocking tongue and groove mechanism, making its installation easier and quicker. FRP takes longer hours and sometimes weeks to get successfully installed after you have hired a professional installer. Only a mechanic who knows how to deal with joints, adhesives, and backers can install FRP. As for PVC wall panels, you can get them installed by a novice. You need not even keep your business shut for its installation. Just spare 7-8 hours for the task. PVC’s invisible fasteners and bolts make their installation seamless.

Choose Impact and Abuse Resistant Panels to Ensure Professional Interiors

Once your cannabis business expands, the commercial space should become a high-traffic area. High-traffic areas are prone to constant movements, which can further damage your wall panels and make them feeble. However, the PVC panels are impact and abuse-resistant, which makes them a perfect option. Neither do they give into quicker delamination like FRP, nor do they stop performing like drywall when the moisture levels increase.

Durable Panels Don’t Stop Performing

What makes Duramax’s ASTM-certified PVC panels stand out is their longevity. Unlike FRP, which lasts 25-30 years, and drywall, whose shelf-life is 45-50 years, commercial wall panels perform for 100 years without breaking down. They also meet FDA-compliances and CFIA certifications, making them resilient, sturdy, and better than any other wall material. Another factor that makes them special is their lightweight nature, which also saves you on transportation costs. They are even customizable in various lengths. After installation, you can paint them using PVC-grade paint for a more charming look.

Get the Promise of a $25,000 Money Back Guarantee

The simple-to-install panels can be accessed in ½ inch thickness. They are available in 16-inch widths, though you customize them to your desirable length. Duramax, the leading USA-made PVC panels, offers a whopping $25,000 money-back guarantee on its zero repair and replacement throughout its lifespan. 

Final Words

Duramax is a reputable supplier and manufacturer of 100% vinyl-made panels. They offer complimentary samples of the panels to customers who want to get their overview before buying them in bulk. The panels are Class A fire-rated, which makes them highly efficient. They prevent fires from spreading and causing further damage to the herbs for at least an hour. When you buy PVC panels online, you also get the assurance of saving 40% on material expenses and 50% on labor expenses. All of these panels can be delivered to your location within two weeks. Request a quote. 

Place your order – Request for a quote:

Our panels are ASTM certified and FDA compliant; also quality checked. We ensured Kevin that the kitchen would be free from the fire outbreak. The panels have a -hour fire grade also chemical resistant.

Duramax is a top wall panel supplier in the USA. Visit our website for a free sample, get a free consultation and request a quote.

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